'Risk Everything' is a 6 Foot (2 m) digital installation that is a part of a larger exhibition, RISK, that will take place in Barcelona on November 22 - 24, 2019.
Risk is not decorative — it’s striking. It’s a statement and a testament. It exalts strength over weakness. For those who RISK EVERYTHING, it is EVERYTHING.
The human drama inherent in "the risk" has inspired epic poems and effusive murals.
In today's world of hyperbole, it is harder to identify what is a real risk and what is not. Marriage? Career? Business? Art? Travel? Immigration? Walking home alone at night?
Manifest Destiny Art, in the heart of Barcelona’s Art and Design District, is a stunning post-industrial destination for art and innovation.
We are now accepting submissions of artwork inspired by anything the artist considers within the theme 'Risk Everything'. There are no restrictions on content, style, medium or context, but your entries should fit this theme in some way.
We invite and encourage artists of age 18 and up to participate and look forward to seeing the creativity of your work. All local, national, and international artists, professional and amateur, are encouraged to submit their works for this digital art installation exhibition.
STEP 1: Pay Submission Fee
STEP 2: Complete Submission Form and Upload Artwork
Submission Guidelines
Our open call for Risk is now closed. The selected artists for our Digitial Art Exhibition are:
Jose E. Bilo
Kelly Boehmer
T2R/Laura Gillmore
Ronald Gonzalez
Judith Lava
Eloa Jane Pereira
Arantxa X. Rodríguez
Kahn J. RYU
From time to time we hold specific Art Calls for Special Exhibitions.
Sign up below to be notified of future calls.
Risk Everything.
Some leave their homes, families, and belongings.
Some leave a rubble of hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
Some leave their hard-earned savings and borrowed money at the tables.
Some leave a life of security and comforts for a life of creative uncertainty.
Some leave their body spent and broken with only trophies to help through the pain.
Are they heroes or fools?
Should they be shamed or celebrated?
CALL FOR ART: Risk Everything – A Digital Group Exhibition in Barcelona
MEDIUM: All - Work will be displayed digitally on a 6 Foot (2 meter) Projection as a part of a larger Exhibition called "RISK" during Poblenou Open Night.
DEADLINE: November 6th, 2019
ARTIST NOTIFICATION: November 10th, 2019
OPENING SHOW DATE: November 22nd, 2019
37€ for entry of up to 3 pieces of work.
Once an entry is submitted, fees are non-refundable regardless of acceptance into the exhibition.
Selected work
All entries must be of original design and personal execution.
Selected Artists will be notified via email.
Your submission payment will serve as your acceptance of the terms and conditions stated in this prospectus.
Submissions are non-refundable. When you submit your work it will be reviewed and considered for the show.
Manifest Destiny Art brings global art to Barcelona and suffuses it with experiential life. Art has always grappled with the masking and unmasking of the truth — figuratively and otherwise. It is through this interplay and testing that we can occasionally touch a sublime truth that reminds us of humanity’s worthiness. It is art that — when all else fails — has the ability to make the real relevant. Manifest Destiny Art is devoted to shining a light on the work of today’s contemporary artists.